
"There is no aspect, no facet, no moment of life that can't be improved with pizza."

Past Thoughts

Wednesday 19 December 2012

I'm Dreaming of a Trouble-free Christmas

As Good As It Gets was on tv today and being a semi-Nicholson fangirl I don't see a scenario in which Jack Nicholson can do wrong. I told mum to stay on the channel. "Ooh go back to that," I said, "I love that movie." She looked at me begrudgingly and put down the remote. "Is it one of your thinking movies?" she muttered. Thinking movies? You mean like Mean Girls and American Pie? "What? No, it's real funny. It's almost over though so you might not get into it soon enough." We stayed on the channel and tried watching for the next ten minutes or so. Suddenly she got up from her lazy chair and turned to me, "well that was incredibly depressing..." Without saying another word she walked off.

I actually don't know if the movie is as good as I remember it (or as it gets LOL! SEE WUT I DID THAR?) or at this point I'm just trying to find any reason to avoid hitting the books much like what I'm doing now. That was sort of a hanging sentence wasn't it? Anyway, studied quite a bunch today, the ol' noggin feels like it's about to explode just like my stomach is about to explode for some reason. It really feels like I swallowed some metallic substance that's growing inside me and conspiring to kill me. Like Venom... which of course isn't even a metallic substance (or is it?) but I digress. I also tried reviewing the notes I took in class this semester and it's barely comprehensible crap. One of them reads:

  • Banks are like fucking important --> implements central bank's monetary policies & junk
  • Strict risk management: no stocks, only bonds => because bonds are very reliable, did you see how he bent over backwards even after M and his government fucks him over?
And that's all there is. Now I have no idea what I was going on about, something to do with monetary policies? Why can't the semester just end already!

In other news, it's Chrissy soon and I'm debating my better self on whether I should break my diet and eat this year's turkey leg or suffice with grandma's salad. Decisions, decisions. Here's an uplifting and suspiciously racist song that you can enjoy as I grumble on about my procrastination.

Grumble. Grumble. Grumble.

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