
"There is no aspect, no facet, no moment of life that can't be improved with pizza."

Past Thoughts

Monday 5 September 2011

I freaking love road trips!

We just got back from our almost annual trip to Central Java where most of dad's family members are. After some 15 hours sitting in the car I was exhausted, sticky and absolutely bitchy it's a surprise no one tried to shove me out the car midway. It's funny because I realised that the most interesting part of the trip for me (aside from the crazy sweet food and drinks, the worst combination is when it's sweet and hot and all you have to wash it down is sweet tea so your tongue is just drenched is what I think is diabetes waiting to happen) is when my parents were discussing which relatives of ours had the ugliest children.

Which brings us to our next point, my thought of the whole affair right up to the point when a man was talking about how God apparently hates people who cut off family ties (speaking of which, what is up with that show!) thus making everyone very uncomfortable considering the fact a lot of people were absent from the family gathering:

"Relations are simply a tedious pack of people, who haven't got the remotest knowledge of how to live, nor the smallest instinct about when to die."

In this small villa we stayed at, they had a wonderful collection of books in our room. They were pretty old and some of the books were already falling apart. I ended up picking up an assortment of plays by Oscar Wilde and it was freaky how entertained I was with The Importance of Being Earnest seeing as everything about it just seems like a cliche but some of the one liners, like the one above, had me cracking! It was nice to be able to take my mind off the fact that I had to share room with my parents and was given the role of contraception for the night. Also there was a frog in our bathroom.

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