
"There is no aspect, no facet, no moment of life that can't be improved with pizza."

Past Thoughts

Tuesday 21 December 2010

Mother, how are you today

I drew this ages ago, good God why did people tell me I could draw??

Apparently it's mother's day, I know right, weird? I must have one of those shitty calendars then. Of course, the fact that it's not for 2010 might add to the confusion, for all I know today is Tuesday.

So I'm going to just do a post about how awesome my mum is --and she's super awesome, I mean she did give birth to me! Come on-- It's like yesterday when she asked me if I was going to school today she was telling me how unfair it was that I didn't have to and she did. And I told her how I thought she loved her job and she gave me one of those 'don't give me whole you-can-actually-love-what-you-do bullshit, I taught you that' and I tried to console her, 'Mum, at least you get paid to be there! I pay to be there, so either way you get the better end of the bargain.' Which is actually not the least bit true because she's the one paying for my tuition, I really do just have to show up. And now I feel really bad about it.

She's the kind of mum who doesn't want to see her little girls run around, playing hockey or rugby because it's creepy to have old men cheer for us on the sidelines, who doesn't let us smoke or drink because it would stink up the house, who still covers our eyes when there is a kissing scene in a movie but watched and admired the beauty of Collin Firth's arse in A Single Man with us.

Happy Mother's Day for every mothers out there and for those who have mothers and for those who have motherly figures present in their lives and those who aren't mothers and have no mothers because it's a wonderful day anyway. Seriously, it's really sunny, I should go out...

Also, my mum is cooler than yours, period, hands down, no question about it.

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