
"There is no aspect, no facet, no moment of life that can't be improved with pizza."

Past Thoughts

Wednesday 25 August 2010


Gray Area: Soul by Yours Truly

Soul? What is this soul character of which you speak?

In the car, on the way somewhere with Stairway to Heaven playing, mum, dad and I had a discussion about music in general. We all agreed that Madame Westwood and her whole punk movement singlehandedly killed music. Not really, one can't singlehandedly kill music but she definitely initiated the whole movement. Sex Pistols probably did though and they were partly her children.

But I do think that the main problem with majority of music today (because there are some that are still very great) is that our generation --and the previous one for that matter is that we have no soul. It seems like we've all sold it to the devil in hopes that it would come in as an investment when hell freezes over and earth is gone from global warming or something. At least the Sex Pistols had a reason to scream and ruin music, they were angry and distraught. What the hell do we have to complain about?

War? Famine? The establishment? Oil spills? Please, as if any of us really care if it weren't for the publicity.

So you're wrong Mr. Flowers, we don't got soul, no sir.

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