
"There is no aspect, no facet, no moment of life that can't be improved with pizza."

Past Thoughts

Tuesday 23 April 2013

The Art of Distraction

I am a terrible procrastinator. That or just terribly uninspired almost all the time. I was supposed to paint this piece months ago but just couldn't do it. For one thing the canvas is a lot bigger than I'm used to (insert crude joke here) and I also just simply had no story to tell. Seriously though, it's fucking huge man! It's about as wide as my closet! So basically got my shit together and finally laid down the foundation for the piece. Now the colours I desperately need are running out really quickly and I can't yet afford to buy paint. I guess I still have a lot of shit to get together then... I should add like an electricity pole or something to add to the composition. It's a little off right now. Anyway, inspired by Renoir's The Gust of Wind but it won't look like it because I'm so shit haha ha.. ha... *sigh*

Meanwhile I'm falling asleep in class because I can't sleep at home. What's up with that? I'm freaking out maan! I might be Tyler Durdening right now and I won't know what's what. Unless that's what he wants me to think.

But since you're already wasting time, why not take a look at this cover of La Même Histoire (the song at the end of Paris Je T'aime, it's a good song) by the virtuoso duo Agathe & Fine.

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