
"There is no aspect, no facet, no moment of life that can't be improved with pizza."

Past Thoughts

Thursday 28 March 2013

An Alternative Interpretation as to Why Babies Cry

Gray Area: Cry

I don't like kids, I didn't even like kids when I was a kid. There's something about those little brats that make me want to coerce people into getting sterilised. Last week I went to this place in the slums where all these women were having a meeting. A few of them brought their children along because there was probably no one home to take care of them. I waited just outside the room where everyone gathered and with me were those few women with fussy kids who wouldn't stay quiet during the course of the meeting.

I don't remember much of how it was when I was 4 or 5 years old but it's kind of baffling to try and figure just where the hell these kids get their energy. They would run about and scream and jump and Jesus fucking Christ it was exhausting just to watch them so I leaned back as far as I could on the chair and buried my face deep into this book I brought along with me. The book was so hard to read too, even without all the noise and hyperactivity going on about me. What the hell Inoue Yasushi? Writing beautiful prose that's almost impossible to decrypt! It was like I was stuck in the land where time stopped.

So anyway, I was talking to my sister the other day and she told me about how all babies do in sleep and cry and they seem to be happy (maybe I should follow suit?). But babies really do fascinate me in the sense any animal fascinate me. I don't know how either of those creatures work on a psychological and emotional level.  I once saw a baby getting kissed on the forehead by its mother and it smiled so wide. Why? Is is possible that the child understand the warmth and happiness we normally get from a kiss or a hug from our loved ones? I've always thought that although there are biological and chemical explanations behind how we feel certain feelings, most of it comes from the values with which we were brought up. The things that make us cry like the end of a really good TV series because it's what has stood in for companionship in your miserable life for the duration of its airing don't really have much of a scientific explanation if you ask me. The human psyche is fascinating but I wonder if babies have a similar workings as the rest of us because they have yet been polluted by the traumas that come with our upbringing.

Do you wonder sometimes when they stare at you (and babies seem to stare at me a lot so I stare them back, thinking, "Yeah? You like that? Not so nice when people do it to you is it?") they understand what you're doing or saying and are secretly judging you for it? That's how I see babies and children generally. And I think there is a dark side to them that we don't really comprehend ourselves but the little bastards are so good at hiding any signs worthy of suspicion that they always pass under the radar. But I know, little babies, I know just what kind of deep and troubling thoughts you have in them pretty little heads of yours...

That's how I thought up the idea for this strip. That and the inner philosophical turmoil I've been having myself after reading shit Kierkegaard says.

Happy long weekend everyone and for them Christians, Happy Easter! I thought Easter was on April Fools and boy, does that change things!

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