
"There is no aspect, no facet, no moment of life that can't be improved with pizza."

Past Thoughts

Saturday 2 June 2012

The world is a messy place

"Here's an interesting form of murder we come up with: Assassination. You know what's interesting about assassination? Well, not only does it change those popularity polls in a big fucking hurry but it's also interesting to notice who it is we assassinate. Did you ever notice who it is? Stop to think who it is we kill?

It's always people who told us to live together in harmony and try to love one anotherThey all said, 'Try to live together peacefully'. BAM! Right in the fucking head! Apparently we're not ready for that..."

~George Carlin

The world is messed up. We mess it up. And we make sure that the people who try to clean it up never see the light of day.

I first saw the quote on zenpencils where cartoonist Gavin Aung Than wonderfully illustrates inspiring quotations by an array of famous and important figures from all over. Then I went and looked up Carlin who does brilliant stand-up. The thing is he's pretty outspoken about a lot of things (for a reason) and that makes people uncomfortable.

Oh mercy! I have a lot of economic papers to read and write about but they're so... efficient! Don't you hate reading things that are worded efficiently? It's like they never actually wanted anyone to have a good time reading it.

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