
"There is no aspect, no facet, no moment of life that can't be improved with pizza."

Past Thoughts

Monday 14 May 2012

The teachings of life

Life has been wonderful to me and if it has taught me one or two things it's that it's all about timing. You may realise one day, out of the blue, that sometimes you just can't control everything and that you should just let go as nature takes it's course. But then again, there are times when you have to take charge and just do whatever it is that you've got to do. When you see a sign, sometimes the only thing left to do is just take that first leap of faith.

You may wake up one morning and notice that you left your windows opened and your neighbour's dog had just soiled your beautiful rose bushes so its stench fill the air that you breathe your first waking breath of the day. Then what you've got to do is get the hell out of there and raise your fist at the sky, shake it and condemn the world for being positively shitty --please pardon the pun.

Sometimes you have to let nature figuratively take its course, even when you're in an important meeting, because it's terrible for your bowel movement to keep it in for a considerably lengthy period of time. Other times you have to get up to your mailbox, feel queasy as you look at your bills, consider starting a new life under the false name of Sheila Uppercut and settle with the fact that you're too big of a pussy to take such a bold move and just pay your bills.

There are also times, however, when life is all about soaking up the simple pleasures of eating freshly baked cookies but for the most part it only reminds you of how you can't actually bake and the smell of freshly baked cookies really comes from the small crack under your apartment door as whoever lives across the hall bakes what is possibly the most amazing batch of cookies ever known to man, but who cares? You never bothered getting to know any of your neighbours and you're not about to do that either, not now that the game is on and there is ALWAYS some kind of game on; baseball, basketball, soccer, jeopardy, or the curious phenomena that is a Japanese game show.

Other times the essence of life lies in the seemingly minuscule interactions you have with the people around you as you commute together. How they help you get on the bus because you look like some kind of fragile senior citizen, how the bus driver waves her hands at you as you're about to get off, how strangers spoon you during rush hour when you have to stand next to the one pole on the metro that every other person seem to like flocking to. But for the most part, life is about sleeping or thinking about how much you want to sleep or miss being able to sleep because it's just THAT pivotal in whatever daily routine we submit ourselves to.

Basically life is about a lot of things and there is a time for every single one of those things. Sometimes it's even about going to an obscure blog just to write a pseudo-intelligent post on the meaning of life to show your contemporaries that ultimately nobody gives a shit about the pseudo-intelligent status updates or tweets or posts or random statements they say on the train because most, if not all times, everyone already knows, so.. you know, boo freaking hoo.

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