
"There is no aspect, no facet, no moment of life that can't be improved with pizza."

Past Thoughts

Monday, 2 April 2012

Keeping Up with the Reps

Here's the thing, I just found out that apparently the government is not okay with mini skirts. Why is this an outrage? Why have I decided to post on this instead of the gas price hike? Because it's a lot more fun to ridicule the atrocity that is the porn bill.

Someone should seriously pitch the idea of a reality tv show based on the Indonesian government to E!  because it's just that very brainless, entertainment we so crave for. We'll get to see what kind of hilarious adventures da reps (they shall henceforth be referred to as such for street cred) will have that month, then at the end of every installment the audience is fed with the moral of the story: nothing. But here's the important part about the tv show, it will hold up a mirror to society, it will ask each and every viewer, "what the fuck were you smoking before you stepped into that voting booth?" I guess the only downside to this concept is that we are all a bunch of ugly people and not even tv ugly... real-life ugly.

Back to the skirt ban, I'm not exactly for short skirts for everyone because, let's face it, not everyone can pull it off and I have no interest in seeing one's vajayjay when one uncrosses one's legs on the train, but I do think that people should be able to dress however they please, then it's society's choice to taunt them if they look like an asshole but that's part of being in a democratic society: being criticised for who you are.

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