
"There is no aspect, no facet, no moment of life that can't be improved with pizza."

Past Thoughts

Monday 6 February 2012

On Politics

I don't like talking about politics. There is just so much grey area that the only reason anyone really wins the argument is either by volume or the death of the opposition. So I don't really want to elaborate much into this post (at this point, you're thinking "Ah! She's got nothing! She's given up already" but if you recall bucko, I never really started) but with elections and global political unrest it seems inevitable for me to say something on the matter.

And this might be the "individualist" side of me speaking, because God forbid anyone would care the slightest for their own personal satisfaction, but just how much freedom would you give for social order? How many lives, whichever way you prefer to interpret the word, would you sacrifice?

My mum, dad and I had a conversation about the loss of innocence and how none of us really know at which point of our lives that we stop being these selfless children who see the world like it's filled with sunshine and rainbows. Is it naive, no, wrong that I wish we could remain being those children and stop corrupting our children's children simply because we need to teach them that the world is rough and will split your ass in half if you don't become this despicable, monstrous human being?

On the other hand, the gnarly weather is just.. gnarly dude, like whoa! Ya know?
Crap, politics and weather... It's starting..

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