
"There is no aspect, no facet, no moment of life that can't be improved with pizza."

Past Thoughts

Friday 5 November 2010

A Letter for Karma

Dearest Karma,

How are you? We haven't spoken in a while, maybe you cut your hair? I actually cut mine, I'm pretty sure you think it looks hideous and to be frank I don't know what to make of it just yet. You're probably wondering why I'm suddenly writing you after all these years, it's just that you have been a complete dick to me recently. Why???!!!!



So here's a funny thing about life, it sucks! And you know what, after knowing that, I'm actually much better off because now I've learned to just suck it up. Sucking up all the suckiness.. yup. 8 am Friday, November 5th 2010, I was in my mum's car and reached into my pocket to look at the time on my phone --the car's engine was off, she had to copy something-- only to realise that it was in fact not present. I had left my phone charging in my room that very morning in a half asleep state of mind. Good show.

10:30 am Friday, November 5th 2010, I went to the cafeteria with a bunch of friends to grab a bite to eat --not the least obvious therefore I felt it was necessary to tell you that. We ran to a table with a long chair so everyone would fit and sat down, it was a long walk. I opened my bag and rummaged through it to get my wallet, alas, it was absent as well. There I was, phone less, wallet less, and hungry. Now I owe my friend after she offered to buy me my lunch.

11:15 am Friday, November 5th 2010, I left the cafeteria because I remembered there was a meeting I had to attend. I rushed to the library because I recalled someone saying something about it being our meeting place. It was closed so I sat in the lobby. I realised how weirdly coloured the walls are, there were greys, yellows, oranges and greens. They must not be a believer of cohesive colours being nice. I had a hunch that they changed the place and texted me but because I didn't have my phone and the campus is a big place for me to narrow down a spot, I stayed just in case someone came to the library under the same impression as me. It turned out that they really did change the place, I probably have to do something for not attending now.

03:20 am Friday, November 5th 2010, I remembered not having my wallet and wondered how I could get home. I was walking past a group of buskers who sounded amazing and thought that maybe I should in fact busk until I have enough money to get home. Then I remembered another fact, I sing as well as a car radiator that broke down in a blazing desert somewhere in Nevada or to put it simply, like Miley Cirus. I considered sitting there and singing anyway just in case someone would think I was a drunk child who've been roaming the streets at night and have a meth addiction by the age of 9 and that someone might sympathize. I abandoned the idea, it might not turn out so well, also because I found small change in the front pouch of my bag.

Then I got home and the night is still young, plenty of room for misery to take place. To which I say, bring it ounn bish! This is actually the second time I left my phone and wallet this week. I keep wondering to myself what it is that I did wrong for such bad luck to keep happening.... Whatever it is I'm sorry already!


916 said...

hm, nasib git nasib. gita! gue baru sadar ini blog lo, padahal udah pernah liat sebelumnya hehe

Anonimose said...

sabilul! haha makasih ya nasib gw pahit gini